Suriname Country Report

Country Risk Level

Suriname, the smallest independent country in South America, is also an outlier in that it is the only former Dutch colony on the continent. The official language of the government is Dutch, but most Surinamese speak the English-speaking creole of the Tongo chiefs. However, the country mirrors many of its regional neighbors as it has endured years of dictatorship and continues to strengthen its democracy. Its main industry is the extraction of minerals, especially bauxite, and the export of some agricultural products and oil is increasing. Tourism is also increasing due to the large amount of undeveloped rainforests within the borders of the country.

The biggest risk to people visiting Suriname is crime, which is usually opportunistic but potentially violent in nature. People traveling within the country are at risk of almost all kinds of infrastructure and service shortages.
Last updated: April 12, 2022


Suriname has border disputes with Guyana and French Guiana but said those disputes do not pose a significant risk of military conflict. Criminal activity is generally opportunistic, with violent crime an important secondary concern. Suriname does not face a significant terrorist threat. The country occasionally experiences protests, but the overall level of unrest is moderate.
Last updated: May 13, 2022


Air travel to and from Suriname is considered safe, except for Blue Wing Airlines.

This country has a limited number of main roads and highways. In general, the quality of the roads is very different.

Ports and ships are efficient and safe.

Basic services such as water, electricity, and fuel are available reliably in coastal areas, but may not be available inland.

Suriname is believed to be less likely to be supported or targeted by cyberattacks but is considered weaker to defend against such attacks.
Last updated: December 29, 2022


Suriname has a tropical climate with two dry seasons and two rainy seasons, but the coastal areas are mostly temperate. There are currently no major man-made disasters in the country, but large-scale mining operations and a weak political system spell bad news for the environment. Although earthquakes do not occur as frequently as in other countries in the region, Suriname is still at risk of seismic activity. Flooding is a significant risk in many parts of the country, and major disasters occur every few years.
Last updated: March 16, 2022

Health and Medical

Mosquito-borne diseases, including yellow fever, are a major uncommon epidemiological concern in this country. Medical facilities are plentiful only in the capital, Paramaribo, and usually only deal with moderate health problems. Most essential medicines are available in some form in Paramaribo, but sources outside the capital are limited. Tap water is not considered safe for drinking unless otherwise specified.
Last updated: September 7, 2022


Corruption is a prominent problem in Suriname, particularly in the public and government sectors. The rule of law is undermined by government corruption. Although institutionally weak, Suriname is generally stable. Sanctions are not a major concern.
Last updated: March 28, 2022

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