Nepal Country Report

Country Risk Level

Nestled in the Himalayas between the strategic regional poles of India and China, Nepal is a chronically underdeveloped country that has consolidated its democracy as a republic since the abolition of the monarchy in 2008. The political situation is unstable due to frequent changes in the government. Political instability is likely in the coming years due to mistrust between political parties, weak institutions, and the perception of corruption hindering policymaking. Internal conflicts revolve around ethnic tensions and issues of autonomy, especially in the Terai region. Insurgents may launch low-level attacks. Criminal activity is somewhat high, especially in urban areas, which can affect foreigners and the main risk is petty theft. Protests and strikes are frequent and can quickly turn violent. Police often respond with extreme crowd control measures. Corruption is rampant. Business travelers may be required to pay a facility fee.

In general, the condition of the road is very poor. Cross-border routes are exploited by criminals. Local driving conditions are chaotic. The possibility of an earthquake and the weak infrastructure of the country make it more vulnerable to damages and disruptions caused by seismic activities. During the rainy season from June to September, severe storms often cause landslides and rock falls. Flooding is also happening in the south. Contamination of land mines is widespread, especially in rural areas. There is a risk of malaria in the Terai Valley and altitude sickness can be a problem at higher altitudes. Medical facilities are usually of a lower standard than in Western countries and medical facilities may be very limited in rural areas.
Last updated: April 11, 2022


Internal conflicts revolve around ethnic tensions and issues of autonomy, especially in the Terai region. Criminal activity is somewhat active and may affect foreigners, and the main risk is petty theft. Armed groups linked to the former Maoist-led insurgency have regularly carried out low-level attacks in the past, mainly in the Tarai region. Protests and strikes are frequent and can quickly turn violent. Police often respond with extreme crowd control measures.
Last updated: May 9, 2022


International flights to and from Kathmandu are much safer, but domestic flights are a big concern.

Cross-border routes are used by criminals and local driving conditions are chaotic.

Power outages happen occasionally and can affect large areas of the country.

Although most cyber attacks are simple, there is growing concern about this issue. In general, the condition of the road is very poor.
Last updated: May 9, 2022


There are different climate zones depending on altitude, from subtropical in the south to temperate in the central region and arctic in the Himalayas. Landmine contamination is widespread in large parts of the country, especially in rural areas. Regular earthquakes and poor infrastructure make the country more vulnerable to damage from high-intensity earthquakes. During the rainy season from June to September, severe storms often cause landslides and rock falls. Flooding is also happening in the south.
Last updated: March 15, 2022

Health and Medical

Traveler’s diarrhea is the most common disease among travelers. There is a risk of malaria in the Terai region. Altitude sickness can be a problem in high-altitude areas. Medical services are very limited and serious conditions may require evacuation to a neighboring country with more advanced medical facilities. Pharmacies are usually well-stocked in urban centers, but may not be available in rural areas. Tap water is not considered safe to drink.
Last updated: March 31, 2022


Corruption is widespread and business travelers may be required to pay for facilities. The judicial system is plagued by corruption and inefficiency. The police are generally not considered trustworthy. The political situation is unstable with frequent changes of government. This country is currently free from international sanctions.
Last updated: March 25, 2022

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