Three killed, 38 injured in Russian attack on Ukrainian city of Kryvyi Rih
Ten children are among those injured in the missile attack on apartment buildings as rescue teams search for survivors. A Russian missile has hit two apartment buildings in the central Ukrainian city of Kryvyi Rih, killing three people and injuring at least 38, with rescue teams sifting through rubble in a night-time search for survivors. Serhiy Lysak, governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region, put the provisional injury toll from the attack on Tuesday at 28 adults and 10 children. “Two buildings were hit, one five storeys, one nine storeys,” Lysak wrote on Telegram. “The number of injured is constantly rising as is the number of children injured.” Video of the scene showed a blaze that erupted at the top of one apartment block and rescue teams carrying the injured out of shattered building entrances. “The emergency services and residents who care are rescuing residents blocked in their apartments and are continuing to search for anyone who might be under the rubble,” Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko wrote. “Four people have already been rescued.” Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who was born and raised in Kryvyi Rih, said on Telegram that search operations “will continue as long as they are needed.” In his evening address, he said: “We will inflict losses on the Russian state in response – quite rightly. They in the Kremlin must learn that terror does not go unpunished for them.” The city of Kryvyi Rih has been frequently targeted by Russian forces throughout the conflict. Source:
Three killed, 38 injured in Russian attack on Ukrainian city of Kryvyi Rih Read More »