Vatican City State Country Report

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Vatican City is an independent city-state located within Rome. Vatican City has an ecclesiastical system of government, and the head of its government is the Bishop of Rome, the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. The territory of the Vatican City is an enclosed area of ​​the Republic of Italy. Roman Catholicism is the state religion and the main commitment of the nation itself.

Crime is rare in Vatican City. Petty crimes such as pickpocketing can be a concern for tourists and other city travelers. Vatican City has no history of terrorism. However, the threat of terrorist attacks against urban infrastructure and religious authorities remains significant. The symbolic value of the building has in the past raised concerns about possible attacks by Islamic extremist networks active in Italy and Western Europe. Vatican City has no history of political violence, and although isolated demonstrations may occur, civil unrest is rare. Large religious events attract large numbers of participants and are known to cause minor traffic and pedestrian delays.

There is no public transportation in Vatican City. Most visitors walk from the Italian bus and train stations or from the parking lot. Visitors can use Rome’s two airports, Ciampino and Fiumicino.
Last updated: April 13, 2022


Most travel in Vatican City is safe. Crime is rare and episodes of social unrest are almost non-existent. Vatican City may be exposed to extremist Islamic terrorist plots.
Last updated: May 16, 2022


The infrastructure of Vatican City is generally well maintained. There is no public transportation in Vatican City. Most visitors walk from the Italian bus, train station, or nearby parking lot.
Last updated: May 16, 2022


The environmental situation in Vatican City does not pose a particular health and safety concern. Regular seismic activity in Italy can also cause tremors in Vatican City.
Last updated: March 2, 2022

Health and Medical

The country has well-developed medical facilities and there is no concern about the local supply situation.
Last updated: May 18, 2022


The Vatican is a kingdom led by the Pope. The Pope is elected by the College of Cardinals. The country is politically stable and will remain so.
Last updated: March 8, 2023

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